If I was to talk about a special place in my city, Porto Alegre, I would return to the past, my past. In those days, things happened nore slowly, there wasn't internet. So, the children used to play in the backyard, climb the trees, run more. But, returning to the place,..my favourite place was a tree! a plum tree! This tree had many braches like stairs. So, I loved climbing the highest possible and staying there for twenty, thirty minutes.
In the place, it was possible to see the Guaiba's sunset. For me, this is a special place because I remember the feeling of peace and tranquility. "The world is mine!", I thought at the top of the tree with a beautiful view of Porto Alegre and in the background, the Guaíba. Unforgettable!
I miss the plum tree,.. Is it still over there?
Aluno: Márcia (Interlink 5- Menino Deus - POA) - Prof. Rosângela
Categories: my favourite place
One of my favorite place in Porto Alegre is the Bric da Redenção,one charming place ,fun with a incredible cultural diversity.There you can every sunday in the morning,to walk,to meet yours friends,to drink chimarrão,to buy crafts or just relax .I recommend because I loved go to the Bric..... Katia, Petropolis.RS
Categories: innaugural post
Caxias do Sul is a very nice place to live. It is the biggest city in the highlands of Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil. Almost half a million people live here, and a good number of the population are Italian descendents, among others from different regions all around the country.

Daniel C., Daniel Z. and Roberto - CI Caxias do Sul
We're a YExp4 group and we decided to talk about a regional typical food. Instead of writing about it, we'll show you on video. The best part of it was eating, of course... ;D
YExp4 - Menino Deus, RS.
Categories: vodcast
On June 2007 I went to Porto Seguro – Bahia with a few classmates of mine for our prom trip. We left our hometown, Bento Gonçalves, on June 17th and returned on June 24th. A minivan picked us up at 3:00 AM on the 17th and dropped us off at the airport, in Porto Alegre. In despite of the fact that most of us hadn’t slept a single minute before the trip to catch the plane, the adventure was immediately full of jokes and songs. At the airport, there were also other students who had come from different units of the school to join us.
At the time we arrived in Porto Seguro, we quickly started to feel hot, considering the temperature difference between Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia’s winter. After we left the plane, we went straight to the hotel, an amazing place called Bosque do Porto Praia Hotel, located right in front of a big entertainment center called Tôa Toa. I’m not quite sure if unfortunately or luckily, I had to share a really small bedroom with three other friends of mine, and if you consider four seventeen year old girls full of luggage on a room that either you walk or open your bag, you might have a small idea about the size of the mess that we made on that memorable week.
On that week, we were able to enjoy the fabulous hotel that we were staying in, which had an amazing and large pool, thematic dinners, singers and a spectacular amount of drinks to taste. A lot of little trips were made to beautiful places, like a visit to Trancoso beach, an amazing place with an incredibly tone of blue in the sea. Other trips were made, although, in order to enjoy the famous nightlife of Porto Seguro, I stayed sleeping while they occurred. Most of the afternoons we spent on that paradise happened just across the street, at Tôa Toa, where there were a large amount of bars with the most amazing drinks, and fun shows going on all during the entire day, including local and famous songs being played in the show breaks.
Every night we had a different place to go to. One of these nights happened at Passarela do Álcool, a downtown street surrounded by stands selling the highest alcoholic and tasty drinks, for happiness of the students and not so luckily of the teachers who were with us at this amazing trip. There were also a few stores selling t-shirts and stuff like that to remember Porto Seguro. We also went to other really good clubs, where we had the chance to dance and have a lot of fun with our friends. Although all the clubs were fantastic, the most remarkable of them is Ilha dos Aquários. This place is a whole island which is a club, with dance floors playing different kinds of music, an open space for shows, aquariums with fishes and sharks and an amazing sidewalk between trees. It’s highly recommended not to wear high heels during it.
Porto Seguro is certainly a place where you can enjoy astonishing views, a large amount of places to have fun moments that will probably not be erased out of your mind easily. It is also on my point of view one of the best places you can go with your friends before the separation of prom.
CI Menino Deus - POA - RS
My hometown, in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, is one of my favorite places. I was born in Bagé. In spite of being a very small town, I really love that city! Actually, I think that's what a I like the most about Bagé. It's a quiet place, you don't waste hours in the traffic, there are no high buildings, you can see the sky, the nature around you. I don't go there very often, only on holidays. But when I was a kid, I used to spend my vacation on my grandma's house. I loved to play with the dog and the cats. Such good memories have I got from my childhood there!
One thing I also enjoy is the farms. It's a very pleasant option for those people who are accostumated to the hectic life in the big cities to spend some time in the field.
The picture is from Santa Tereza's Cultural Centre. There used to be a village were lived workers of the cattle farms.

Routes of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre-Canela via the "Romantic Route"
Contributed by CI student on May 31, 2009People usually like to travel in order to get to see beautiful places and nice cities. However, not so many travellers enjoy the road itself. If you want to take a nice car trip in Rio Grande do Sul, you should try the "Romantic Route". This route begins in São Leopoldo and ends in São Francisco de Paula, with some beautiful side trips branching off along the way. If you are travelling from Porto Alegre to Canela or Gramado, which are the most visited cities in the mountains, you may go straight on BR-116 highway and turn right just after Nova Petrópolis following route RS-235. This is not the fastest way to get to the region, but it is surely the most interesting. The road scenery is incredible and there are some places with a breathtaking view of the mountains, where you can pull over and take some pictures. In addition, there are lots of nice restaurants and good shops on the way. Following is a picture that I took some weeks ago. Enjoy your trip!
Express Master 2- 2x4-20:15
Quintino Bocaiúva
Porto Alegre/RS
Cambará do Sul is the land of Canions, located on northeast of Rio Grande do Sul state, is a really simple and quiet city. Despite of its naturals beauties, there’s not many restaurants and magazines there. Everything is like living in the field. People get there to visit waterfalls, see huge araucarias, ride horses and, mainly, to visit Canions Itaimbezinho and Fortaleza, which are extremely beautiful and impressive. This photo is only one of the views you can appreciate and fell in this wonderful place.
When I’ve been in Cambará, I only could visit Canion Fortaleza, but I intend to get back there to do everything I didn’t have time to do by the first time.
The problem is the weather! Cambará do Sul is one of the coldest regions of Brazil, because of its altitude. If you want do visit this place on the winter, you might really like freeze climate and be very well prepared by taking hot clothes. Although it truly worth it!
Carol CI M. Deus
Plenty of teams are great, some teams have 100 years but only S. C. Internacional were great enough to take 35 thousand fans to the streets of Porto Alegre to celebrate his birthday. Thousand off fans lead, by historical players like Bodinho and Valdomiro, by the president Vitório Piffero, sang Inter’s songs and made history with a party never seen before! It was just the beginning off a great year that is about to come.
Now, lets cheer in 2009 and just wait for the 200 birthday party!!
Matheus L. Senna, Menino Deus, Porto Alegre(RS)
Categories: Férias
What a spectacular picture, right? It's this kind of view you gonna see if you go to Gramado, RS in Christmas. This photo has been taken during a show that happens several times between december and january, a period of time called Natal Luz. This show mix lights and fireworks and opera singers and it was for me a unique experience. You have to pay to go, but it's not much and believe me, it's totally worth it.
We can't forget the wonderful restaurants either. There is a lot of options like fondue sequence and colonial cofee. I really recommend you to go and visit the city, especially that time of year.
Milena, menino deus, porto alegre
Grêmio Foot-Ball club was founded in 1903, and has the largest number of footbal supporters in Rio Grande Do sul.It has won: 35 state championships, the World interclubs in 1983 , the Libertadores cup in 1983 and 1995, among others.
Sport club Internacional is one of the best football teams in the world.It has already won everything that a Brazilian team could dream of: 39 regional cups, a cup of Brazil, 3 Brazilian cups, a South American Cup, a Libertadores da América Cup, a World Team Cup (FIFA) against Barcelona in 2006, a Dubai Cup against Internacionale and a "Tríplice Coroa".Nowadays, Inter is considered to be the best team in Brazil by football commentators.Inter has revealed several famous football players, like Alexandre Pato, that plays in Milan.Inter is the only REAL champion of the world in RS.
Vote for the best and add your own videos!
Bárbara, Daniel and Marina, Quintino, POA, RS
Sky and blue sea, red land. Out of sand and water, the composition of colours seems a dégradé. Canoa Quebrada is one of the most famous beaches of the brazilian-north cost. At 164Km from the capital city Fortaleza, it has 365 days of sunshine and an enchanting view that changes the tourist’s conception about the Northeast. Welcoming people from all over the world, Canoa is the beach that puts the urban citizen away from the big cities noise, tall buildings, pollution, traffic jam and so on. This place is therefore, the best medicine against the stressful routine of the cities. There, the guest can practice Kitesurf, a very popular sport by the native ones.
You must enjoy this wave.
Marcus, Menino Deus, PoA, RS
If you've never been to Ferrugem(and would like to) but don't have a place to stay...here you can find some hot links!!
http://www.pousadaarthemis.com.br/ and http://www.canoaazul.com.br/
And...have fun on May,1st!!!
Aline, Nilo-RS
Are you looking for crystal clear water, sunny days, good waves and breathtaking views??
So…Welcome to FERRUGEM beach, in Santa Catarina.
I’d say I was a very lucky kid, because my parents used to have a beach house in Garopaba – very close to Ferrugem- so every single summer I’d spend 3 months in paradise…
If only I could go back in time!!
Aline- Nilo, RS
Categories: cool pics
They're from Pará.
Categories: vodcast
Here´s a a set of pics of São Miguel - a Jesuit mission that belonged to the Seven Peoples´ Missions - one of my favourite places in our state - as I´ve said before.
If you wanna find out more about this magical place, click here:
"Co yvy oguereco yara!"
"My favourite place is Porto Alegre because there are many parks." João Guedes, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Olímpico stadium because I support Gremio and it's the best team of Brazil." Felipe Renck, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Olimpico because it's the stadium of the best team." Matheus Klippert, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Gramado/Canela because I relax a lot." Guilherme Haetinger, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Olimpico stadium because it's my second house. I love Gremio" Bernardo Gomes, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Glorinha because there is nothing to do." Luísa Moser, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Capivari do Sul because of my family." J. Martin Klafke, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Glorinha because it's fun." Miguel Moser, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is the airport Salgado Filho because I love to travel. It's very cool." Barbara Piantini, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Ronda Alta because my family lives there and there are a lot of interesting things." André Garbini, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Porto Alegre because I have my friends and family here." Annette Canal, Quintino, POA
"My favourite place is Olimpico stadium because it's my second family." Mauriccio Laitano, Quintino, POA
Six Billion Others - Have You Got a Message to Give?
Contributed by CI Facilitator on April 21, 2009Here´s a very interesting link to a cool website shown in one of our past Newsflash activities.
Check it out:
Then, watch the video & get inspired to contribute with your own message!
Choose ONE of the questions, answer it & post. Then check what the other 10 million other gauchos have got to say! ;D
- What is LOVE?
- What is your greatest JOY?
- What is your greatest FEAR?
- What is your very FIRST MEMORY?
- What would you CHANGE in your LIFE?
- What do you think HAPPENS AFTER DEATH?
- Do you believe in GOD?
- Do you consider yourself FREE?
- Do you have a MESSAGE TO GIVE?
Categories: vodcast
Sunshine, on my shoulders - makes me happysunshine, in my eyes - can make me crysunshine, on the water - looks so lovelysunshine, almost always - makes me highif i had a day that i could give youi'd give to you a day just like todayif i had a song that i could sing for youi'd sing a song to make you feel this way
Rossana Cattani
Here´s a cool video on the different regions of Rio Grande do Sul. It is narrated in English, and it shows many of the touristic attractions of each particular area. My favourite has always been the Missões, and the North Coast. What about you? Have you got any nice photographs of your favourite place in our state you´d like to show other gauchos? ; )
Categories: vodcast
Categories: vodcast
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Happy Posting!
Categories: rules
BTW, I do have a picture and it shows the sunset in Guaíba (watched from Ipanema - POA).
Carla Chaves - GSE, Rio.
Categories: cool pics
Here's a tutorial on home video editing for the final touches.
Categories: vodcast

How should a foreigner order 'Cassava root' in your region of Brazil?
Guess the following vocab in a 'Southern style'...
- A French roll (especially in Porto Alegre, RS)
- Sausages (especially in Curitiba, PR)
- A car crash
- A traffic light
- A young boy
- A hill
- Tangerines
- A snack bar or cafeteria
Is there any peculiar regional vocabulary you'd like to challenge us with? So... hit us!
Categories: dictionary
Categories: cool pics
Categories: innaugural post