A nice place to stay in Ferrugem

on April 30, 2009

Hot Links!!

on April 29, 2009

If you've never been to Ferrugem(and would like to) but don't have a place to stay...here you can find some hot links!!
http://www.pousadaarthemis.com.br/ and http://www.canoaazul.com.br/

And...have fun on May,1st!!!

Aline, Nilo-RS


on April 27, 2009

Are you looking for crystal clear water, sunny days, good waves and breathtaking views??

So…Welcome to FERRUGEM beach, in Santa Catarina.

I’d say I was a very lucky kid, because my parents used to have a beach house in Garopaba – very close to Ferrugem- so every single summer I’d spend 3 months in paradise…

If only I could go back in time!!


Aline- Nilo, RS

Itapuã in Rio Grande do Sul

on April 24, 2009

Guys, this is a piece of paradise in Rio Grande do Sul. It's called Chácara Velha Beach in Viamão , near Porto Alegre!!! It's part of a state park and the view is just spetacular!!

Magali, Quintino - RS

A very popular Brazilian band!

They're from Pará.

Pieces of Brazil

on April 23, 2009

"My favourite place is Catuípe because I like it so much."

Gustavo Cardozo, Quintino.

"My favourite place in Rio Grande do Sul is Porto Alegre because there I can go to the cinema, play games, go for a walk and practice sports."

Leonardo Silveira, Quintino

"My favourite place in Brazil is Gramado because it's colder than Porto Alegre."

Gabriel Musse, Quintino

" My favourite place in Brazil is Gramado because i can go with my parents at the weekend."

Pedro Victor, Quintino

"My favourite place is Redenção because it's where I do some exercises."

André Cassel, Quintino

"My favourite place in Brazil is Rio de Janeiro because it's very hot and it's where I spend my vacations."

Maurício Goldfeld, Quintino

São Miguel Arcanjo - The Mission

on April 22, 2009

Here´s a a set of pics of São Miguel - a Jesuit mission that belonged to the Seven Peoples´ Missions - one of my favourite places in our state - as I´ve said before.

If you wanna find out more about this magical place, click here:


"Co yvy oguereco yara!"

My Favourite Place in Rio Grande do Sul (Basic 3)

"My favourite place is Porto Alegre because there are many parks." João Guedes, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Olímpico stadium because I support Gremio and it's the best team of Brazil." Felipe Renck, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Olimpico because it's the stadium of the best team." Matheus Klippert, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Gramado/Canela because I relax a lot." Guilherme Haetinger, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Olimpico stadium because it's my second house. I love Gremio" Bernardo Gomes, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Glorinha because there is nothing to do." Luísa Moser, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Capivari do Sul because of my family." J. Martin Klafke, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Glorinha because it's fun." Miguel Moser, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is the airport Salgado Filho because I love to travel. It's very cool." Barbara Piantini, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Ronda Alta because my family lives there and there are a lot of interesting things." André Garbini, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Porto Alegre because I have my friends and family here." Annette Canal, Quintino, POA

"My favourite place is Olimpico stadium because it's my second family." Mauriccio Laitano, Quintino, POA

Six Billion Others - Have You Got a Message to Give?

on April 21, 2009

Here´s a very interesting link to a cool website shown in one of our past Newsflash activities.
Check it out:

Then, watch the video & get inspired to contribute with your own message!

Choose ONE of the questions, answer it & post. Then check what the other 10 million other gauchos have got to say! ;D

- What is LOVE?
- What is your greatest JOY?
- What is your greatest FEAR?
- What is your very FIRST MEMORY?
- What would you CHANGE in your LIFE?
- What do you think HAPPENS AFTER DEATH?
- Do you believe in GOD?
- Do you consider yourself FREE?
- Do you have a MESSAGE TO GIVE?


on April 20, 2009

How about this beautiful sunset over Guaiba, taken from a car by a Journalism student?

Sunshine, on my shoulders - makes me happysunshine, in my eyes - can make me crysunshine, on the water - looks so lovelysunshine, almost always - makes me highif i had a day that i could give youi'd give to you a day just like todayif i had a song that i could sing for youi'd sing a song to make you feel this way

Rossana Cattani

Welcome to Rio Grande do Sul!

Here´s a cool video on the different regions of Rio Grande do Sul. It is narrated in English, and it shows many of the touristic attractions of each particular area. My favourite has always been the Missões, and the North Coast. What about you? Have you got any nice photographs of your favourite place in our state you´d like to show other gauchos? ; )

on April 18, 2009

There's one thing I do like about POA: our parks!

National Anthem

Take a glimpse of our land's beautiful scenery.

Before you start...

on April 15, 2009

Consider these helpful tips when posting here...
  • In order to comment (or post) on this blog you must sign your posts.
  • When signing you should include your name, CI branch (or city) and state. [e.g.: Everton, Menino Deus, RS.]
  • Anonymous posts won't be accepted.
  • Click here and use the login info below to start posting.
  • Students' Login Info: culturabrazil@gmail.com --> cibr2009
If you'd like to report any abuse to this site, just contact me via e-mail. Thanks.

Happy Posting!

Pix: Sunset in Porto Alegre

on April 13, 2009

This blog looks so wonderful! Congratrulations.
BTW, I do have a picture and it shows the sunset in Guaíba (watched from Ipanema - POA).

Carla Chaves - GSE, Rio.

Video on Demand: Spotlight on Culture

on April 12, 2009

I'd like to challenge you and your group to produce a short film on a 'stereotypical' element of your regional culture. You don't really have to be a Spielberg or Lucas, but you need an element to explore (such as a regional food or drink staple). Then, just grab your camera and start shooting!
Here's a tutorial on home video editing for the final touches.

Dictionary of Regional Terms

How should a foreigner order 'Cassava root' in your region of Brazil?

Guess the following vocab in a 'Southern style'...

  • A French roll (especially in Porto Alegre, RS)
  • Sausages (especially in Curitiba, PR)
  • A car crash
  • A traffic light
  • A young boy
  • A hill
  • Tangerines
  • A snack bar or cafeteria

Is there any peculiar regional vocabulary you'd like to challenge us with? So... hit us!


Do you have cool pictures of places you've been to or have lived in in Brazil? Why don't you show us?

(Sunset in Canto Grande, SC)

What would you like to talk about?

Welcome! This space is yours. Make yourself at home and use it as much as you feel like. You can suggest new topics and contribute with your very own ideas. Please, share stories and peculiarities of your hometown or state. Topics can range from typical dishes to landscape, regional celebrations to school life and how people spend their free time (or any other topic that occurs to you!). So, what would you like to talk about?