How should a foreigner order 'Cassava root' in your region of Brazil?
Guess the following vocab in a 'Southern style'...
- A French roll (especially in Porto Alegre, RS)
- Sausages (especially in Curitiba, PR)
- A car crash
- A traffic light
- A young boy
- A hill
- Tangerines
- A snack bar or cafeteria
Is there any peculiar regional vocabulary you'd like to challenge us with? So... hit us!
French roll? That's easy: cacetinho!!!
car crash is batida.
traffic lights is sinaleira or sinal.
a young boy is called guri and a young girl is called guria.
Camila - Quintino - POA
sausages is vina.
A hill = lomba.
Tangerines = bergamota.
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